
 I found her mewling as if she hadn't eaten in days. She was barely seeing the world, making it look like she had an eye infection. After much coaxing, she finally came to me. I picked her up and held her. She fell asleep. She was SO tired. It hurt my leg to be in the chair for so long, but I endured so she could sleep. After a while she woke and looked up at me with those eyes, and the pain went away. She went back to sleep. A CNA noticed her (after a nurse was frightened by her???) and said she would take her home. The CNA found a box, got her food and water, and I only ever saw her paws again. She took 2 pics of her, I will share if and when I get those.

I still miss her.

I wonder if she likes to play.

I hope she gets the sleep she needs.

I hope she gets love and tenderness.

I need her to outlive me.


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